Season Five Trailer

Why It Matters is back for a fifth season, asking the important questions about the global issues, problems, and trends that will affect the future. What role does American music play in international relations? Will the global supply chain put the path to clean energy at risk? What the heck is quantum computing? 

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  • Gabrielle Sierra
    Director, Podcasting

Asher Ross - Supervising Producer

Markus Zakaria - Audio Producer and Sound Designer

Rafaela Siewert - Associate Podcast Producer

Show Notes

Get caught up on the first four seasons: 


Season four: 


Hyperventilating Over Hypersonics


The Climate for Nuclear Energy




Sexual Assault in the U.S. Military


Spying 101


Perspective on Afghanistan, With Richard N. Haass


Japan’s Population Problem


Water Scarcity


When the Microchips Are Down


Season three:


Gone Fishing


A Global Shot in the Arm, With Anthony Fauci


The Dollar Privilege


The Most Persistent and Lethal Threat




China’s Starring Role in Hollywood


The Future Is African


A Climate Bomb in the Amazon


Let’s Talk About Toilets


Make America Vote Again


Season Three Trailer


Season two:


Treasures Looted in War


Why We Need International Students


Pricing Our Climate


Hey, Remember the Olympics?


Living in History


The World Is Watching Us


The Human Cost of Labor Trafficking


Exporting Authoritarianism


WhatsApp With India?


Wearing the World Out


Bonus Episode: ‘A Medically Induced Economic Coma’


Season Two Trailer


Season one:


The Big Red Button


China Doesn’t Want Your Trash




Space Jam


Prescription for Disaster


New Years Special: 2020 Hindsight


Robots That Kill


Voter, You’ve Been Hacked


Dimming the Sky


The One Where We Talk About NATO at a Party





Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the most popular man in India. On track to be elected for a third term, he has transformed the country’s economy and global standing while silencing dissent and galvanizing majoritarian support for his Hindu nationalist agenda—all while growing closer to the United States. How could Hindu nationalism reshape India?


In a wide-ranging conversation, Foreign Affairs Editor Dan Kurtz-Phelan joins Why It Matters to discuss nonpartisan publishing in a polarized political climate, the state of press freedom around the world, and the future of journalism.

Genocide and Mass Atrocities

Thirty years ago, Rwanda’s government began a campaign to eradicate the country’s largest minority group. In just one hundred days in 1994, roving militias killed around eight hundred thousand people. Would-be killers were incited to violence by the radio, which encouraged extremists to take to the streets with machetes. The United Nations stood by amid the bloodshed, and many foreign governments, including the United States, declined to intervene before it was too late. What got in the way of humanitarian intervention? And as violent conflict now rages at a clip unseen since then, can the international community learn from the mistakes of its past?

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NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

The transatlantic alliance has begun to connect its traditional security interests in Europe with the geopolitical dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region, including tensions between China and Taiwan.


Andrés Rozental, a distinguished retired Mexican diplomat, president of Rozental & Asociados, and the founding president of the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the dynamics of Mexico’s upcoming election and its consequences for the Mexican people as well as for U.S.-Mexico relations.